Mussels Sauteed in a spicy garlic, lemon juice and house special spices....
Boneless Fish Pieces are marinated with spices, coated with a gram flour batter and fried ...
Deep Fried hollow puri that’s filled with a mixture of potatoes, chickpeas, yogurt, ...
Deep Fried hollow puri that’s filled with a mixture of potatoes and tangy spiced ...
A popular Bombay Appetizer....
A mixture of crisps, potatoes and chicken peas tossed in yogurt and topped with tamarind ...
A delicious spiced combination of assorted vegetables fritters....
Chickpea, onion, tomato, fresh cilantro, chilled yogurt, tamarind and mint sauce....
Chickpea, onion, tomato, fresh cilantro, chilled yogurt, tamarind and mint sauce....
Minced vegetables wrapped in rice paper and fried....
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